Are you aware of the dangerous increase in alcohol-related health issues among young adults? A recent study has uncovered shocking statistics that reveal a disturbing trend among this age group. From binge drinking to alcohol abuse, these problems are on the rise, and you’ll want to know the facts to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Don’t miss out on this essential information, read on to find out more.

What is considered an alcohol-related health issue? Alcohol use disorder (alcoholism) itself is now considered a disease. As with any disease, such as hypertension, diabetes or heart disease, it requires proper diagnosis and treatment. When an individual is noncompliant with other known health issues, the health community doesn’t just give up and decide to no longer treat these people, as is seen with sufferers of alcohol and opioid use disorders. It is imperative that both the medical community and society as a whole recognize these illnesses as diseases and not just a weakness of willpower. Early recognition and treatment are imperative due to the current numbers trending out of control in the United States.
Why are alcohol-related issues on the rise, especially among young adults? The current research shows that young adults consume more alcohol than any other age group. Rates of alcohol abuse and dependence are disproportionately higher among those between the ages of 18 and 29 when compared with other age groups. Young adults tend to be in more alcohol-related traffic fatalities. Young adults also tend to binge drink at a higher rate than any other group. This is more likely a result of peer pressure and the need to fit in with friends. In addition, they also experience more negative consequences of drinking and engage in more activities while drinking that may put them at risk of harm.
What are the signs of alcohol-related health issues that people should be aware of in young adults? Common signs are inappropriate behavior, unstable moods, poor judgment, slurred speech, problems with attention or memory, and poor coordination. There may also be periods of blackouts in which the loss of memory or time surrounding alcohol consumption is not remembered.
How does drinking too much alcohol affect the brain? The first obvious way the brain is affected by too much alcohol consumption is the common signs of intoxication such as difficulty walking, blurred vision, slurred speech, slowed reaction times, and/or impaired memory. In addition, individuals who have been drinking large amounts of alcohol for a long period of time run the risk of developing serious and persistent changes in the brain that can be permeating and life-altering.
What are the symptoms of an impaired brain? Unfortunately, persistent drinkers can develop Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, which is an encephalopathy of the brain. Symptoms include mental confusion, paralysis of the nerves that move the eyes, difficulty with muscle coordination, persistent learning and memory loss, especially with learning new information. If diagnosed in the early stages, treatment is possible and symptoms are reversible. If not diagnosed until the late stage, it is considered irreversible, which is seen in about 25% of those diagnosed with Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome. Care is then shifted to providing support to the patient and their family.
How do people unknowingly self-medicate with alcohol to help with other issues such as anxiety, depression, etc.? Self-medicating with alcohol or other drugs happens when alcohol is used as a way to cope with negative feelings such as anxiety, depression or other mental health issues that usually go undiagnosed, especially in young adults. Individuals may use alcohol when feeling sad or anxious because in low doses, alcohol can cause a mild euphoria and relaxation. This becomes a problem when the body becomes used to alcohol. Increasing doses are required in order to gain the same effect. This can lead to increased drinking and/or binge drinking.